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Enigma Peru supports the Inca Trail Porters


Dear all, I hope you and your loved ones are all well. An immense thank you to everyone for your ongoing support and generosity since we launched our GoFundMe campaign to raise funds for our Inca Trail porters during Covid-19 over a week ago -- whether through spreading the word, donating or simply sending uplifting messages to us, we are extremely grateful. Today marks three months since our porters stopped earning any funds at all. Porters in Peru work on a free lance basis and are not protected by the government in situations such as the current one with Covid. Borders were locked down last March 16th and there is no officially-confirmed opening date yet. Last conversations with institutions point to an eventual possible opening of the Inca Trail not before 2021, which would put our porters and their families in an even more difficult situation to thrive until they can go back to work. While we are developing other sustainable and creative ways to help and work with them, we are sharing our GoFundMe campaign again with you all here below. We are at 50% of our objective to get 90 USD for each of our 64 porters. If you maybe overlooked this message in your inbox, or you did not have time when we last sent it, please see if you could help us through: - Spreading the word among friends, relatives and other who may have interest and capacity to support - Donating: it is easy, quick and truly any amount will be much appreciated. You will be helping entire families, making a huge difference to their lives during these months. We plan on having the campaign live until the end of the imposed quarantine in Peru: June 30th so far. Once we can go out and meet them, we plan to distribute each and every dollar donated to our 64 porters -- we will be sharing photos and proof that the funds you donated went in full to the people they were addressed to. Please find more information on the campaign details and objective below or by clicking on the 'WISH TO DONATE' link below. With my fondest appreciation and gratefulness on behalf of all of us at Enigma, Silvia Rico CEO, Enigma

Wish to Donate - click here



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