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Iquitos & Pacaya Samiria with Enigma Peru

Discover Iquitos & Pacaya Samiria in Northern Amazon with our DMC partner Enigma Peru! Cradled in lush vegetation and living humid air, binoculars ready for the next thrill, you float smoothly down the great jungle rivers, life source of the Peruvian Northern Amazon Basin and the pristine Pacaya-Samiria Reserve. Cruises offer naturalist guides, innovative Amazonian cuisine and even luxury, as you explore the seemingly endless maze of jungle waterways, including the Amazon River as well as the Ucayali, Marañon and Yanayacu-Pucate Rivers.

From the boat and during stops along the riverbanks, spot caimans, tropical songbirds, black collared hawks, sloths…and performance troops of monkeys! By day, go fishing for Amazonia’s notoriously ferocious piranhas. As the sun sets, set off for an evening’s wildlife excursion with extraordinary stargazing. Rise with the sun for early morning bird watching. On daytime jungle walks, get up close and personal with medicinal trees, insects, and poison dart frogs, and learn more about the different rainforest strata (layers). Swim, canoe or kayak in Yanayacu-Pucate River as you look for legendary pink river dolphins.

You can also visit local communities to get a taste for their way of life in the jungle. The reserve is home to an estimated 42,000 indigenous people within its distinct and dynamic ecological habitat, and park staff helps maintain a healthy natural balance, leading initiatives such as the integration of sustainable agriculture.

The gateway to the Peruvian Northern Amazon is the bustling city of Iquitos, a commercial port on the shores of the Amazon River, so immersed in the deep rainforest that it is only accessible by plane. Cruising through the Northern Amazon not only allows you to gain insight into the vast scope of this great jungle, it is an un-deniable and almost too-close-for-comfort immersion into nature at its most impressive and wildest.



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