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“Mariscadoras” tour with Destination Spain

Destination Spain curates special experiences for clients. Here you have the “Mariscadoras” tour.

The shellfish workers of the area work the clam, the razor and the cockle during the low tide. Cambados, O Grove and the Island of Arousa are three locations, where you will be able to learn and practice the picking of shellfish as the mariscadoras do. Observe their peculiar work, and appreciate the hardness of a work that results in the product that gives us so much satisfaction at the table. Due to its easiness and socio-economical orientation, this activity can be done by all ages. You will be able to know the daily activities of this brave people, their tools and secrets for shellfish collection. We will supply you with water boots so you can freely walk on the beach, and once there you will be shown the different methods of bivalve extraction and how to identify the different commercial species, all related with production, collection and sales of bivalves. You will interact with people, tools and animals, always within the respect towards the environment rules of the area. Second step today is to learn about the higher fishing practice by the anglers. You will do this from a boat that follows the anglers in their job.

Ask us for details or phone us at 1-888-334-7609



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