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Sustainable travel with Galavanta Colombia

Did you know that our DMC partner Galavanta Colombia is committed to promoting responsible tourism, minimising environmental impact, maximising the positive impact on communities and protecting the delicate and valuable ecosystems? A percentage of their profits are used to help vulnerable families at the destinations visited by guests. They support labour formality as well as fair pay and treatment of guides, chauffeurs, and service providers. They minimise plastic use with glass bottles and special filtering systems to avoid using plastic bottles, provide travellers with refillable water bottles to use during activities and treks, participate in glass and plastic recycling programs, and use biodegradable items for personal use or refillable Loto del Sur amenities instead of single-use plastics to minimize the carbon footprint.

For details or by phone 1-212-752-1416 or WhatsApp 1-917-940-2407



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