With its extensive coastline, Brazil is home to some of the most beautiful shores in the world and our DMC partner Very Latin Brazil has shared the selected 5 remote and paradisiacal beaches for your clients to enjoy a summer vacation with peace and tranquility:
Praia do Preá, Ceará
Praia do Espelho, Bahia
Praia de Antunes, Alagoas
Península de Maraú, Bahia
Praia do Dentista, Rio de Janeiro
To learn more about Brazil and its wonders, feel free to get in touch! For details info@dominiquedebay.com or by phone 1-212-752-1416 or WhatsApp 1-917-940-2407 #dominiquedebaycollection #VeryLatin #TravelTheWorld #Brazil #LatinAmerica #TravelExperiences